Hot! Hot! Hot!

"Saunas get hot, just not as hot as the one I was in."

Melissa cranked the heat up in the Sauna right up to the point of leaving.Except she didn’t leave.She leaned against the door, let her bikini top fall, and smiled at me. I couldn’t help but stare at the enormity of...

The V-Day War: Mom vs. Aunt – Pt. 1

"Who will be a lucky guy's special valentine?"

Ding-ding-ding!Welcome to tonight’s match, folks!A colossal coliseum crusher! An epically engaging encounter! A sexually sizzling sparring of sultry sinners!In one corner of the ring, we have my mom—the queen bee. The head matriarch. The prime rib of pussy. Mid-forties and...

Just Add Alcohol Ch. 03 – Wendy Jackson

"Wendy Jackson, on her own for the weekend, returns to her hotel and indulges in another drink or two...and some young cock, too."

Chris entered Room 834 at the Fairmont Hotel and was immediately overcome by a smell he knew all too well. An assistant manager of the venerable Chicago hotel, he had been summoned to the room by the head of Housekeeping...

Sage descended the stairs with her luggage loosely packed with everything she needed for the night. She wore her most comfortable set of sweatpants with her softest pink sweater.“Going somewhere?” Maxwell was making sandwiches in the kitchen with a sour...

Under The Doctor’s Desk

"Missy's mouth was just what the doctor ordered"

Doc arrived at the clinic early Monday morning. He had a full schedule of appointments and meetings, with only a half hour blocked out for lunch. Indeed, he had a busy, tiring day ahead of him and felt a bit...

Karen Loses Control Pt. II

"Karen needs Mark to complete a video training, but Mark needs something from her first..."

“I’m never leaving this goddamn place,” Mark mumbled to himself as his fingers clacked angrily on the keyboard.The master lights in the office had clicked off hours ago. Somewhere in the distance, the cleaning crew vacuumed, and their small Bluetooth...