Just Thinking About You

"Thinking about you when you're away"

Thinking about you sometimes throughout my day, Wondering what you're doing when you're away. Making up little scenarios in my head,Of what we would be doing in our pretend bed. The things that we would do in our days,Making love to...

Do You Really Ever Know?

"Just Thinking and Wondering"

Do you ever really meet your soul mate? Or do you just settle and decide your own fate. You find love and create an amazing life,You get married and are a devoted wife. You have an amazing family and lots of...


"Thinking about the world outside while being in bed with his love."

Outside, people sweat and cannot sleep;and far away, bones grow thin and weakand gums bleed; and, always, somewhere,men are fighting just to keepthe dirt they live on, their friends,and the chance to smile;and everywhere, at night, men and women cryand...

Count to Ten

"The result of my thoughts keeping me awake another night..."

You are the one,Or so I think,So I doodle hearts around us with ink.I hope yours is the heart I have won.I listen to,The sounds of love birds,Watching the pair the thought occurs,We could be just like those two.It's half...