Drifting without course Unanchored and unmoored Caught up in his wanton breeze I let go and drop the oars I boldly face the breeze Give in and to feel release Fall into his tide Reckless, without heed The shimmer of...
the sea
This Boy and this Girl
"The thrill of strangers, falling in love..."
This boy (and this girl)Are in the firstFlush of love.His heartBeating hardTo hold her hand(in his.)(This boy) and this girlAre in the first throesOf desire,Walking together on the beach,And listening to the wavesCrashing, calling out to one another,LoveLoveLove.(This boy) and...
We Are The Ones That Will Make This Day Real (Revisited) or Part 2
"a forever love reawakened"
Menorca. The shimmering heat of passion again, The rat tat tat Of Latin passion, Where a black cat, and a black beetle, Share the same path with me, In the heat of the summer sun. I walk, Remembering (us) So...