What Happens On Treaty Station

"Divya can’t tell anyone about her secret alien rendezvous."

“Ambassador Patel, we are approaching Treaty Station,” announced the ship’s AI pilot.“Thank you,” she responded.The ship was a small one. Her position qualified her for something larger, with room for support staff, but she preferred this simpler, automated model. If...

Don’t Go Swimming Alone…

"A girl lives alone in the woods and discovers a hidden lake. She decides to start going for nightly early-evening swims. One such evening, however, things take a turn for the.... tentacled."

Going for an early evening swim in the stifling summer months is one of my guilty pleasures, and really, it’s only a guilty pleasure because I like to go alone. I know I need to think about my safety and...

Inter-Dimensional Consentacles: Chapter 2

"An ancient magic shared, another dimension awaiting... consent and join their passion."

The glowing circle was entrancing, strange glyphs rotating in concentric rings around an eight-pointed star, the iridescent color shifting in waves like the refraction of light through a clear pool in summer. The eerie glow dimly illuminated the bedroom, bathing...

Inter-Dimensional Consentacles: Chapter 1

"An ancient magic discovered, another dimension awakened... consent and join their passion."

Anya had never expected something so exciting to happen when she first touched the mysterious runes. Flipped on her back and suspended in midair, her arms were restrained behind her, her calves and thighs bound together and spread wide, allowing...

Lady D., Lady Wrestler

"A whimsical look at an infamous lady wrestler"

Lady D. was badass to the bone. Blonde and hirsute, with her wild bush peaking around the corners of her leopard-spotted, silk bikini and her outrageous prize-winning breasts; she would wrestle a male client to the ground. smash him in...