Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 10

"I continue my detention in Laura's make-believe classroom, but my ordeal is rewarded in a way that I never expected"

I was sitting in what Laura called detention, writing lines, in her make-believe classroom. And I had just let my stool scrape over the wooden floor, making a dreadful sound, not unlike fingernails scratching on a blackboard. Instantly, I knew...

Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 9

"I discover that I have been caught speeding in my car, and Laura decides that an old-fashioned, school-style detention is the appropriate punishment."

Having survived a traumatic caning, largely delivered by my sister with attempted guidance from Laura, events settled down for a while. The frostiness that had marked the time before my punishment was lifted, and Laura was on friendly, loving terms...

Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 5

"I remembered a punishment I received from my sister, and then Laura had a "suggestion", which I fell for, to my cost."

I was instructed to report back to Laura's flat the next morning, which was Sunday. After another restless night, I showered and then got dressed, putting on a pair of knickers. Despite my nervousness, my penis started to become excited...

The Painful Incentive

"Joanne was looking for an incentive to help her improve, and found it"

It was Friday night, and I was at my friend, Allan's, house. The party was going well, which had been organised for his seventeenth birthday. I'm Joanne, also seventeen. There were several friends and neighbours dancing and chatting. Everyone was mixing well,...

Losing Control – Part 2

"Helen starts to take control of my life, including coming up with a "solution" when I lose my job"

As I travelled back home, I was nervously excited to know what tasks Helen had set me, but, as she had instructed, I didn’t look until I was in my flat, whereupon I ripped open the envelope. Inside was a...

Wanting To Be Disciplined

"Leanne wanted to be thrashed and got her wish"

Leanne, who was now eighteen, had first realised her fascination with spankings a couple of years ago, soon after turning sixteen, Of course, she knew spankings happened. In fact, one of Leanne's girlfriends, Moira who was also sixteen, loved Leanne...

Rogue One – 03

"Rogue One Finds Out How Kinky The Base Commander Actually Is"

Chapter Five - Commander SylviaRogue walked up to the base airlock and reached up to trigger the microphone so he could speak the entry code. But before he could speak, Jada said cheerfully, “Good Morning, Rogue.” The lock on the...