It is early July when Fred and Martha begin their cruise. He always told Martha that if the opportunity to have a sexual adventure even if it meant some touching with nothing more happening or it involved more then she should...
Close Knit: The Climax
"Zander decides to go all the way. The conclusion to the Close Knit trilogy. Enjoy."
"I might rent some movies tonight. Anything you're interested in seeing?" Mom asked as I appeared in the kitchen door way, flipping through a gossip magazine. She appeared to be only half-interested in its pages. She sat in...
Lake Wannacum Nights – Part One
"Life in a small Minnesota town may be more exciting than you think!"
The first thing a visitor to the quiet Minnesota town of Lake Wannacum is likely to say (other than "Where the hell is the interstate anyway we've been crawling along these dirt tracks for hours, my sat-nav said this was...
Live Food
"virgin men are orally raped"
The two young, naked men huddled together in the bushes. "If they get their mouth on it, there's no way you can escape." said one. The other young man listened in shock, appearing terrified. "They do some kind of magic...