When Orla McCready went missing, everyone suspected her parents.That was because the McCreadys were Christian fundamentalists whose piety was infamous. Isolated in their cottage down by Fairyhill woods, they kept Orla locked away at weekends, with the windows shuttered. She...
Sylph Esteem
"Matt's been having a rough time of it, but good deeds pay sweet dividends."
People had finally gotten the hint. Matthew finished his walk alongside the gravel road, having not found so much as a cigarette butt or gum wrapper. It was a far cry from two years ago when the roadside and the...
No Au Revoir For Now (But Somehow I Knew)
"for jamie."
I wanted you to have the option, and hoped you wouldn't take it, I want you to be happy, and excited and free to love, I want you to love me, and to do so of your own choosing. I want you...