The Suit and Tie

"Erotica based on the image when a man wears a suit and tie, as well as the alluringly attraction to gentlemen as a concept."

That form-fitting jacket The buttons neatly aligned The tie so beautiful and alluringly sexyRegalness and charm exude A handsomeness that can't be contained.The sight of such sends,tingles down my spine"Touch me" whispered from lipsMy eyes looking into yours,Begging your approval.Kiss...

The Boss The Office Boy

"The boss takes a shine to the new office boy ..."

I'm Fabian. As in Fabian Copeland. Yes.That Fabian Copeland. He of the countless divorces, bottomless bank balances and endless romping. But despite what's splashed across what are jokingly referred to as 'the society pages', there's a few things that nobody...