Letter To My Miss

"An open letter to my Mistress about things of late."

Dearest Miss,As I think of you, I say to myself, "My God, Jampu, you are such a little bitch." I continue to berate myself as if talking to my reflection in the mirror.'It is no wonder that Miss hesitated when you approached...

E126: A goodbye to the past: Part One

"Emma learns more about her father than expected"

A year earlier, who could have imagined where Emma finds herself today.  Yes, a year ago, Emma would have just attended the lecture by Professor Donald Ryan at the university.  And then her emailing him complimenting him and asking questions. ...

E124: Emma at the Institute

"Donald introduces Emma to the Institute"

The Tuesday after their wonderful reunion with Sasha, Emma is worried and in a state of excitement at the same time.  Tonight is going to be so special and revealing; her nerves are on end.  She wasn’t in such a...

E122: Who Are They?

"It is now time to begin to map out Donald and Emma's future"

During the next few days, Emma and Donald talk a lot about what their future will hold for them.  They realize they need to define the roles each will play in their marriage, so both are happy and content with...

E121: Finally

"It happens"

Emma stirs awake on Sunday morning somewhat early and is surprised to see that Donald is not there.  Then she hears him opening the bedroom door and coming in. What follows is almost an identical repeat of the first morning she...

E119: Donald Totally Surrenders

"The end is near for Donald's punishment"

Both Donald and Emma know there is so much they need to discuss, but there are still a few more steps to Donald’s submission which need to be completed before they can go to such a place.  Unsaid, it is...