He was in the kitchen packing up the picnic basket with plates, napkins, cups, wine and the little finger foods she put together; pb&j sandwiches cut into little triangles, fresh strawberries, grapes, cantaloupe, sliced apples, sweet fruit dip, little cucumber...

Daddy comes out of the cave after what seems like forever. He walks over to the blanket and picks up the cloth packaging that the ropes were wrapped in. I look at him, curious about what he’s going to do...

Sometimes Master Shares

"Master and Daddy are the same guy... just two different roles..."

The sun is bright and warm as it hits my skin. I follow Master out to the picnic blanket where I am greeted by two sexy men. They look to be in their thirties or forties and both of them...

“Harder! Fuck me harder, pleeeese, Ben!” she begged him, as she thrust her hips upwards to meet his. He moaned and filled the condom with his cum. She kept grinding and thrusting her hips with urgency. He was losing his...

Going To California Eight agonizing months had passed since she had left for London. Since that day, every time I heard the roar of a jet engine, I recited the flight details to myself. “Departing - 8:55am. - Toronto (YYZ)...

Dark Places

"A pet gets to tease her master"

I can't help but grin in the mirror as I finish applying the last of my makeup before we leave. I love when you take me out. Not just because I love the way you present me to others, so...

“How did I manage to get myself into this?” I mumble to myself, as I walk through my front door. I stop, turn to my left and look at myself in the hallway mirror. My hair is gelled and messily...