Brooke and the Black Man

"A vigilant tenant is suspicious of a new neighbor…until they get to know each other"

Even her dog was suspicious of the man trying get in.“I can’t let you in,” Brooke said, with a shrug and an apologetic smile.“Please, ma’am, this is my building,” said the man trying squeeze past her. “I’ve lived here for...

The Logger

"A tropical rainstorm gets Marco acquainted with the town's new barmaid."

It was a searing hot day in the tropical forests of Malaysia. The drizzle that had been gently tapping its fingers on the tin buildings for the past week was finally subsiding. The air was a sticky blanket that clung...

U is for Underwear

"A guy pants at a girl's underpants, he rants when given a chance. Rhyme scheme changes at times"

A young girl’s panties say so much About self-esteem and confidence As well that she doth often touch Her sex-self under her underpants. Girls’ finger-fun is no great secret, The Victorian Age aside. For on-line's Victoria’s Secret Means naughtiness need...

Man, you are too big

"He appears next to me as I exit the club. Shall we take a taxi? he asks"

He appears next to me as I exit the club. "Shall we take a taxi?" he asks. "Why should we," I reply --- I'm arrogant, I know, but I can't help it. "Why do you have to leave without a...