The Dreamcatcher- Part Two Of Three

"the breaks in the journey are not designed to allow extra time for sightseeing"

A few hours after collaborating with Neil to develop her story, Sarah began to formulate her next plan. The lack of a deadline for the load she was delivering offered her some opportunities, but an unusual sense of guilt also...

Becky’s Blockbuster

"The erotic website's story competition sees an entrant in it finding memorable inspiration for her work."

Entering the competition had been a spur of the moment decision and although Becky didn't need the lure of a prize to be inspired, she had decided to make the next story she wrote suitable for submission.Becky's disappointment at her...

Gathering Desires

"She listens to his story and her friends haven't just been invited to the party to make up the numbers."

When Mark read the rest of what Janet had said in her message to him, he felt intrigued, Escapist fun on a website he used was a way to pass the time, often with hilarious or rewarding consequences and Janet...

Justina’s Story (YNAS) – Pt. 3 & 4

"Justina's story about how she got involved in porn and how it progressed to spanking!"

3 - Only The BeginningOn the way, I tried to resurrect other memories of her pictures but was unsuccessful. I had this image of her across the knee of her spanker, bent just enough to allow her to touch the...

In Vino Veritas

"The latest chapter in the Amy story..."

We’re on our first date, first real date. Not that staying in the apartment with Amy is a drag (you’ve read the stories…), but we live in a college town, and it’s Friday night. Aside from all the sex (again…...

Fuck Tennessee Williams

"Amy saga, Part 3"

“You have really big balls. Did you know that?”“I did.”I like tits, which Amy just discovered. My devotion to them probably deserves its own chapter here. I’m not usually a blow job guy. It’s not the first thing on my...

Amy After All That

"Part 2 of 'Just Across the Hall'"

I wake up early, even after I go to bed late. It’s a habit that never changes unless the sun’s already up when I hit the sack.Amy and I were still getting to know one another, but she had slept...