How Did We Even Get Here? Chapter 2

"After Bill finds himself in an awkward position, Frankie decides to take advantage."

“I asked you a question, motherfucker.”Bill remained mute.“Nothing to say?”Still no response.Attempt number one to step past her failed as she blocked him on the left. Attempt number two fared no better as she blocked him on the right.“Don’t wanna...

How Did We Even Get Here? Chapter 1

"A young lady's vacation plan, leads to an unexpected situation for her step-father."

Bill Lorde propped on his elbows, grinding away at his wife’s insides.Amanda Lorde lay underneath, wincing and whispering, ‘I love you’ in between kisses and her approaching climax.“Oh God… Oh God,” Bill strained as he nestled his head next to...

Piercings – Part VII – Infidelity, Cuckolds, Cuckqueens and Cuckcakes

"Liz moves out of the marital bedroom and Amy moves in as new relationships become established."

We showered together; all three of us under streams of hot water. The last time we had all showered together was in Ibiza when we stood under a poolside shower after spending time in the water. Amy had not long...

Piercings – Part V – Infidelity and New Beginnings

"Mum, Daughter and Step-dad ease into their world of new beginnings and new sexual adventures"

We showered and changed soon after and Liz sent a text to Amy telling her where to meet us in town. We decided to take a taxi into town. Liz and I usually enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine...

Piercings – Part IV – Infidelity and Reparations

"Liz tells her husband about her infidelity the night he fucked her daughter..."

We lay in bed shortly afterwards. I had given Liz a good spanking; made her cry, gave her release and left her marked. Before fucking her across the table though, I had knelt down behind her to enjoy her cunt...