How Did We Even Get Here? Chapter 10

"Bill struggles to cope with the agreement he and Frankie made."

Since Amanda’s return a few days earlier, Frankie and Bill seldom spoke to one another. Most of the time, she wasn’t home, and specifics were never given about where she was going or where she went upon her nightly returns....

How Did We Even Get Here? Chapter 9

"After the fall out of recent events, Frankie makes a suggestion to Bill. Amanda returns!"

The motel where Scott and Frankie had their initial rendezvous was the choice made for sleeping arrangements that night. Per the recommendation of Bill’s friend, they slept out while he performed clean-up duties.“Amanda’s coming home tomorrow. You sure you’ll get...

How Did We Even Get Here? Chapter 7

"A face from Bill and Frankie's recent past may be the key to their salvation"

Scott’s mouth opened and twitched without a single sound. His confused leers between his co-worker and recent lover in said co-worker’s jeep left him unaware of where to even start.“What… what the hell’s going on here?” Scott asked.“Son,” Bill started,...

How Did We Even Get Here? Chapter 6

"Frankie introduces Bill to a new party. Both seek a solution to a recent development."

Day five was here, but three pounds of unsold product remained. Since the incidents in Mark’s apartment and after, barely any conversation occurred between step-daughter and step-father. Enough to indicate she needed to make drop-offs or to nightclubs for networking...


"Caught in the act"

His breathing was heavy, heartbeat quickening, and hot sweats discomforting as he crossed the bedroom floor. He had taken care to remove his work boots before climbing the stairs and stepping upon the cream-coloured deep pile carpeting. He walked slowly...

How Did We Even Get Here? Chapter 4

"Frankie reveals the motive of her visit."

Normally, Bill wouldn’t mind the peace and quiet of the drive home, but the stagnancy was overwhelming. Dreary classical music whispered over the radio set and Frankie remained slumped, only looking down or through the window. When he asked about...