Love’s Possibilities

"You never know what is hiding behind the next door"

A journey we've begunThat is loving and true My heart in need of care You then took the cueWe were just good friends You'd wipe away my tears Unsure where this would lead And now you've promised to calm my fearsWith my eyes tightly closed I...

Throws of Passion

"A little poem about falling, falling down and getting up again"

Bec joined my judo class when we were seventeen,Black hair, black belt, bright smile, barely five feet tall.The first time we touched, sparks flew in my heart,I flew through the air, and forgot to break my fall.I fell head over...

How Do I

"How do I let go of my past, start over, and learn to love and trust again?"

How do I; love you without the insecurities and hurts from the past clouding my actions.How do I; stop comparing you to him? You love me totally and are a better man. How do I; believe what you say, do...

FoundationGoing through the motions,with no ending in sight.One looks toward the heavens,in the hope for insight.The sun rays cast down,as the earth hesitates.It struggles, it breaks,Yes, ... even making mistakes.Wait, start over,holding the line.Achieving the outcome,that becomes one's in time.Remember...