All In The Art of Loving You

"Our love - and how we make it - is our priceless masterpiece."

Where I place my passion,is in the art of loving you,to create a chain reaction,when we begin anew. If you multiplied a fraction by a trillion brilliant stars,that wouldn't represent,how far away we are. How far away from sorrow,from emptiness and pain,we'll truly...

Walking Hand In Hand

"Walking together on a beach."

As they walk together hand in handThe sun setting in the distance tonightEnjoying the moment as they standHolding each other feels just rightHands are locked, fingers entwinedThe waves calm and in their reachThe waves rush together and collideThey walk together...

Fisher man

"The ocean made me do it, my muse ?"

She was falling from the sky He was fishing by the shore  Casting nets for fish Hungry for a score. She dropped into the sea Mingled with the sharks Swirled along with eels A sparkled fallen star. Long and lovely fingers Reaching...

I came in from the storm, seeking shelter from disgrace, My heart racing faster than a cannonball in space, My weary brain asleep on a bed of nails, Resting in a coffin full of ice and fine lace. Waltzing Space...

Star Dancing


Full moon,Sacred Yoni egg,Swollen in her luminance, Stars gather, dance and sway. Two stars shake a shimmy,Vibrating, pulsing energies,Undulating, subtle waves,In cosmos' swoon of gravity.Orbiting each other's light,Spiraling towards collision.They combust when they collide,In a rainbow burst of prism.Gleaming in...

That night we didn't realize,We were making memories,While finding our Utopia.Lounging in the green grass,Under the twinkling stars,That blanketed the sky.Hours passed by as weHeld hands and talked aboutOur love, our lives, our future.So many unspoken promises.I knew right then...

Let me enter you

"To create new life"

Let me enter you To create new lifeI love you  without knowing how, when, or whereI love you,  without complexities ego or prideI love you cause I know no one can give love and pleasureI love you  fiercely, desperately and with...