Flaming Angels Of Spring

"A woman's body encapsulates his wayward eye that seeks an elusive love."

Flaming angels of spring weave a pastoral tapestryO’er the sleepless, meadowed minds,Entreating the burning softness of summer;Freedom, resurrected in its breath,When warmly winds lick the searching facesInhaled ‘neath the rapture of its tongue.Passion seasons fruit for its victims,Nestled in pain...


"In recognition of the Autumn Equinox (or Spring to my friends south of the Equator)."

As the sun gets lowerThe nights grow longer than everThe warmth and joy of SummerFeels like it’s gone and returning never Winter moves in with fingers of iceBringing with it cold and fearTearing away the last vestige of lightSpending its time...

All of my sensualism is espousedTo the drowning waters that swarm any soul,That soak in those pitiful splendors. Flourishing inside, the color that is me;While the garden’s evening flowersBloom, without anyone to pick them. But descending from spring’s green fireIs a dropping...

Help us seed the orchard each spring.There is laughter, and music, and lovers at every tree trunk.If you don't join, this is a trifle quickly forgotten.If you do join, this is a trifle, quickly forgotten


"What love appears to be to an old romantic like me."

  When a man loves a woman,with all his heart and soul,with his mind and with his body,and a fire burns below,and nothing comes between them,from what they must achieve.Love's written in the stars,I truly do believe. I truly do believe,that we're...

Beside You

"She sleeps like an angel in the early morning after."

Lying still beside you,in the early morning hours,my love for you is blooming,like a field of wild flowers.Like a field of wild flowers,swaying in the breeze,my heart and soul is dancing:mind and body are at ease.Mind and body are at...

My Fourth Trilogy of Love, Love, Love

"Just as the title says this is my fourth trilogy of love, love, love for your reading enjoyment."

1. Love Sweet Love.love sweetloveis so elusive.so damnhard to holdon to.lose your gripand shewill slipawayandmakea foolofyou.let downyour guardfor justa momentand shewill stealaway.set freefromselfishboundariesshe'sthe devil'schildat play.love sweet loveis notexclusive.what's a human beingtodo?turn aroundfor justa momentshewill disappearfrom view.yetwhen theright onecomes alongshewill ruleyour...