The Trojan Whore

"Nika finds the first link in the chain to lead her to her Mistress' killers – and destroys it by going undercover. Or rather, under the covers…."

I gripped the far edge of the desk, legs spread, bent over, face down, and naked as Mikhail fucked me from behind, pulling my hair with one hand in order to fuck me harder while stopping to smack my ass...

Spit-Roasted on the Beach – The Quantum Slut, Chapter 27

"A horse, two riders, and a woman spit-roasted on the beach! Who could ask for anything more?"

JamesI cradled my two playmates in my arms, one on each side, and marveled at how a dirt-poor kid from a tar-paper shack in the Ramapo Mountains of New York could get so lucky. And I especially appreciated my newly-minted...

VY: A Beginning And An End – Chapter 5

"Mrs. Owens Meet Future Mrs. Owens"

Chapter 5: Mrs. Owens Meet Future Mrs. Owens“Good morning Mr. Owens. The time is 7:25 AM. You have two follow-up appointments today. Your first appointment with Ms. Daisy Labanche is at 9:00 AM. Time allotted with Ms. Daisy is four...