Dance Of Silence

"For the mind..."

At the ends of the tombs is Silence.It is spread above the fields.Chill winds blow making Silence in motion.Silence now moves further ahead, eyes staring at it.Only the throbbing of the leaves can be heard.Even wolves don’t dare to growl.They just...

Bless You

"The sweetest love."

Bless you for true friendship, Bless you for true love, Bless you for forgiveness, For eyes like stars above. For blue skies over mountains, For tall ships on the sea, For all you've freely given, So sweetly back to me....


"Women communing together in sensual love. Botticelli Venus Incarnate."

We are two women in Holy Communion with the feminine. We sit quietly on the couch. I am wrapped in a silk bath robe. The sensation of the fabric on my bare body arouses me. As I shift my posture...

Ode to Night

"A poem inspired by making love under the moon and stars."

  Unfathomed night; thou conduit of dreams, Veiled sister of the lucid day, For thee I long, for thee I wait And for thy favour pray! Come and spread thy silken cloak upon me, No other raiment will I wear...