Exploring A Prague Hotel For Sex

"Charlotte and I enjoy being exhibitionists"

We have stayed before and will again at the luxury Carlos iV hotel in Prague. An elegant and smart place that suits us both and where we fit in with the clientele and the overall dignified and elegantly decorated luxury.We...

Mile-High Christmas Treats

"After a disastrous start, Christmas Eve becomes a festival of Indian baked goods and baked Indian friends."

=====================Christmas Eve, 4:30 amWithin a minute of starting my drive to the airport, I realize something is wrong.And I don’t mean with my family, whom I am about to visit for Christmas.Not that there isn't plenty wrong there. But the...

Spa Day

"Chase and Selena spend the afternoon at the spa enjoying several treatments"

We had been dating for three months now, and I wanted to do something a little different and special for my girlfriend, Selena. My first thought was a weekend at the coast. You know, a nice hotel, good food, sightseeing,...