Teenage Exploitation Sex Comedy: Chapter Twelve

"Allen decompresses with his new girlfriend, but a nosy reporter could bring it all crashing down"

Makennah took a sharp breath and sized up Jane’s appearance before replying. Jane herself looked like she’d just gotten done with a shower after sex, especially as she too, appeared to be a guest of The Sleepy Inn.“Who am I...

Teenage Exploitation Sex Comedy: Chapter Eight

"Allen and Maria plan some group exercises for later in the week"

Maria excused herself from the kitchen as if to go to the bathroom, as Makennah pored over the major league baseball box scores in that day's Springfield Sentinel. In the bathroom, Maria found Allen, gathering up his clothes, his naked...

Teenage Exploitation Sex Comedy: Chapter Seven

"Allen and Maria's liaison is interrupted by a surprise guest star ..."

Maria pulled her hair away from her shoulder blades as Allen soaped up her back with the shower kooshie. He scrubbed all along Maria’s back and her ticklish sides, to the top of her ass, as she sighed and giggled...