
"Overdosing on chemical dependency can be a very good thing"

Purring growls of groans shoot through helpless veinsSeduction filled needles of ecstatic premonitionStrawberry fields of skin prickles Plasma boils, cells expand, cravings uncoil lethal lengthsSlithering need tickles the tight chasm of my throatLips aquiver with unquenchable thirst Heat scalds and blackens, wrinkles and...

I Dared To Dream

"When your dream come true"

I listen to you breathe as you soundly sleep beside me. You’re the one I always dreamed of, but I never dared to hope. You give me all you have to give trusting me not to break your heart. I...

So I hid my love away Like mail that arrives in far flung lands No return address....Neither lost not found I felt more love for you than was ever shown And you held on with hope, waiting, Only one day...

Remember Donnybrook in the dark? We wandered around the park Looking for sticks for battleships or Toy soldiers you painted line-perfect stark. Remember Chinese food and Chilean wine with TV? The shows I watched you hated. "The Hills," the thrills,...

My heart belongs to Daddy

"A gentle, loving, sensual and tender tale of a Daddy Dom and his baby girl"

From the first day we met, our souls have been wed.Yours spoke and mine answered, instant kismet.My tears and my trembles, peacefully dissembled.Dream kisses we tasted like sweet, magic symbols. The calm in your voice, the peace in your spirit,I...


"Thoughts when a sub poses a question to her Mistress."

"When will you walk away?" she asked.Never before had I had someone who was always in my thoughts as I went to sleep,Never before had I had someone who was repeatedly in my thoughts when I woke up,Never before had...


"Once bitten, twice shy"

Love…  So powerful it can build miracles, or crush the strongest rock… It is the remedy to anything and everything, and the strongest poison ever. Beautiful and destructive, it is like flying.. Soar like an eagle or crash like a...

Cyber to Real

"A dream state becomes real"

Elise smoothed down her skirt and checked her reflection in her mirror for the tenth time, as the train pulled into the bustling station. She could hardly believe this was about to happen now, after six months of waiting. Finally,...