soul embrace
Through the cold.
"Reminders go a long way."
I'm awakened to the sound of thunder.Startled, I reach for you, though I'm reminded you're no longer here.I sit up and allow my mind to wonder and ponder.How could I let you go? The rain falls as do my tears.I...
His First, Her First, Pt 3
"The tides turn after Connor & Chelsea’s second time of unplanned sex, but the question remains, “What are we?”"
It had been about a week-and-a-half since Chelsea’s frustration had come to a head, and we had unplanned and unprotected sex for a second time. The first time had led to us being confused and distant, this time seemed to...
How can I tell you that all I want and need in my life right now is you, when I just met you! Baby, I can still taste you on my lips, feel your sexy touch and caress you with...