Mom’s Online Boyfriend

"A disabled man creates a fake online profile to protect his mother from scams, but discovers her sexy side."

Every day, my mom takes care of me as if I'm still a baby, washing, feeding, geting me out of bed. I can't do anything for myself, but I am adult. I have cerebral palsy, so I need help with...

What Happens Next

"The extended ending for 'The Halloween Party Dress'"

~The Extended Ending Of 'The Halloween Party Dress'~(N.B. This story is the extended ending to 'The Halloween Party Dress' and is not written to be read as a story on its own. Of course, you can read it as its...

Mistress Mommy

"Mom disciplines her son for his bad grades."

I am a thirty-seven-year-old woman who loves to be in charge no matter what I do. I own a small business and have traveled to many parts of the world. My friends have a saying for me, "A lady in...