Words On The Tongue

"A fleeting touch, shared in silence..."

What kindness remainstends to be shunnedby upturned coat collarsand downcast eyes.But I see you,a long-legged dreamlounging on that bench.Sitting by your side,I rest my hand between uswhile a candy heartlingers on my tongue.Its message dissolves unread.No matter what it said—words...

The Stalker – II

"Sweet revenge"

My police interrogators used the hackneyed ‘good cop, bad cop’ technique at my three interviews. “Didn’t you realise how dangerous it was to go bathing in the lake after dark?” “Why was Mrs Reinhart-Hernandez not wearing any clothes?” “Had you...

A Helping Hand Was Needed

"I lost my sight when I was eighteen years old, and lived the life of a hermit."

From a very young age, it was obvious that there was a serious problem with my vision. The eye specialist made it quite clear that I would almost certainly be blind within a few years. I had high hopes of a...

Who cares

"Sometimes you have to ask the tough questions"

My heart has been wounded,no solace in sight.No arms offer comfort.Nor ears hear my plight.No eyes see my discomfort.No heart touched by my pain.Profoundly alone.Steadily going insane.Lips mouthing voices.Ears hearing whispers and screams.Or is that the sound,of shattered dreams?Lungs struggle...

Rowing Boat

"Drawing us to where reeds sweep, and bowed willows gently wither weep"

The sun ascended to its apex highTraversing dawn’s rich clementine skyBurning off the morning veilOf misty haze so thin and frailThat it hung amid the old oak treesMotionless without a breezeEthereal as a silken shroudAnd humid as diluted cloudThat rolled...