Truth or Dare 07

"She was in her lingerie and me with my dick out as the moonlight made love to her."

"'All Truth: When was a time you were so turned on you couldn't stand it?'""When wasn't there a time," Nadia scoffed at the question."Well, I do remember one time that happened. I was at school, and I was not having...

Ellie and Grace Ch 3 of 4 (Complete)

"Straight girl Ellie meets a mysterious woman on her way to the office."

After a short wait for their food, they finally entered Ellie’s apartment. Immediately the smell of a ripe trash can assailed their nostrils and any positive emotion Ellie felt from their limited contact faded away like the drop of a...

My Best Friend Gemma

"I thought I'd lost her when I fell for her."

Gemma had been my best friend for as long as I could remember, my dearest confidant, my soul mate. When I discovered my sexuality as a teenager, she was the first person that I told about it. She never judged...