Lifting my head, I notice you are no longer beside me in the bed. You remember, the bed we tore apart trying to satisfy our urges last night?I hear the shower running from across the hotel room. Entering the bathroom,...
As a matter of record, she is not a blood relation. We met at the reception when my uncle married his long lost high school sweetheart. She was the daughter of my new aunt's sister and we wound up sharing a...
Stud Service in the year 2242
"A male stud enjoys servicing a female client in a futuristic pregnancy clinic."
The year is 2242. The downward trend in sperm count amongst white males that began in the late 20 th century has continued for the past two centuries. Only 18% of the world's current population has honest-to-god white skin. Only...
I like being a slut, no,I love being a slut This was my last thought running through my head before I passed into much needed sleep. I also awoke early to this thought, my loud alarm going off. 6:30 am....
Screams of Joy: Part I
"A shower Joy wont forget"
“I've just been fired... there was nothing else to say about it, no protest that would be listened to anyway. But... it’s my birthday! Even though birthdays were meant to be happy days, and everyone is meant to make it...
3-Day Stand Part IV
"Ruby and Ron clean up"
“Since you didn’t lick it all off,” he says to the ceiling, “I guess I’ll have to take a shower. Want to join me”? Ruby’s bright blue eyes, rimmed by glaring white, peer from her blackened, mousse-encrusted face. “I could...
Bath Time Quickie
"A relaxing bath turns into a good old fashioned hard fuck."
My Wife and I recently got a new bathroom with a lovely big roll top bath. After having it for several months we finally got round to using it together. It was a Sunday evening after a tiring weekend spent...