I'm whiter than a snowman,covered up with cum,dripping from my mouth,my ears, my cock, my bum -from this years Gay Party,where I was the star,fucked in all my holes,at a fairy's bar.The bartender had a cock,thrice the size of mine,he...
Miss C’s Filling In
"Part 12 of my Miss Honey series of rhyming poems starring Miss C while Miss H is on Holiday."
Miss Honey's on vacation,and Miss C's filling in,to insure her sissy whore,knows where to begin.It's a win win situation,for a Mistress and her slave,to make sure her sissy whore,won't stray and misbehave."Twenty cocks were just a tease?GET ON YOUR KNEES,...
Hands Free
"Part 8 of my ongoing Miss Honey Series of rhyming poems with more to come."
A kinky sex device,inserted in my ass,I'm allowed to cum,hands free in a glass.Up to the task,I'll get to drink my cum,with that internet device,vibrating in my bum.The more tokens I collect,the creamier the show.Miss Honey thinks I'm primed,to fill...