Such A ‘Nice’ Couple

"Sometimes it takes just the right friends to bring you out of your shell"

Nikki“Oh, thank fuck they’re gone!” Becca cheers as she walks back into the lounge, having shown her sister and brother-in-law to the door.I feel a little relief that I’m not the only one who’s glad to see the back of...

Michael & Kayla – Part 6

"Two eighteen year old students begin a journey of sexy discovery."

Knowing that she was about to give Michael his first-ever blow job absolutely exhilarated Kayla. Once again, it elicited a strong sense of naughtiness knowing that she had beaten all the girls who liked him as much as she did....

Michael & Kayla – Part 5

"Two eighteen year old students begin a journey of sexy discovery."

"And now"—as Kayla spoke, she grabbed hold of Michael's boxers from either side of the waistband—"it's time to take care of you."Before the underwear came off, she wanted to tease him a little and also work to drive him mad."And...

What Ails

"Secretive and strange Dr. Allen provides relief with the Venus Saddle - and more."

The carriage bumped and jostled along the brick road. Adelia sat with her crossed hands in her lap, feeling apprehensive and more than a little angry at the reason for her journey.She remembered sitting passively, listening to her husband, even...

Many hours I've sat and searched,Trying to find,That special phrase,That'll help me explain,Those feelings unspoken,So terrifying; so thrilling,Each night I lie awake,Trying to think of what to say. How you must consider me a fool,That simply can't say,What's in my heart,A three word phrase, why...