Cassie’s Wet Dreams: Boston Marathon, April 17, 1972

"Layla, you’ve got me on my knees. Layla, I’m begging darling please. Layla, darling won’t you ease my worried mind…"

Cassie drove south from Maynard on Route 27, then east on Route 9 into Wellesley, and was mildly disappointed that Routes 3 and 1 weren’t part of the itinerary. Neil Young and Linda Ronstadt were belting out Heart of Gold...

Cassie’s Wet Dreams: Boston Bruins, May 10, 1970

"Bobby Orr, behind the net to Sanderson—Orr! Bobby Orr! And the Boston Bruins have won the Stanley Cup!"

Cassie had noticed an empty seat behind the goal during the third period and then snuck down during the following intermission, giving her a front row seat for possibly the most iconic moment in the history of Boston sports. She...

Cassie’s Wet Dreams: Woodstock, August 16-17, 1969

"We are stardust. We are golden. We are billion-year-old carbon. And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden."

Cassie saw a space on the side of the road, thanked the heavens, and pulled over and parked. After driving all the way from Boston, her VW Beetle was threatening to overheat, and she did not want to get stuck...

One Sugar Or Two?

"Somethings are just better sweet."

I thank him for the tea. Perhaps I should’ve told him I prefer it sweetened.And that I came with a woman last night.It's strange how right from the start we’ve told each other everything, yet this one thing I've kept...