The Felicity Chronicles — Chapter 7: Like Daughter Like Mother

"Martin spends the night in Sylvia’s bed—with Sylvia’s mother."

Sunday, June 16, 1974.Dawn’s early light filtering through the curtains revealed my surroundings as I woke from deep sleep. Sylvia’s bedroom. Sylvia’s bed.Not new information, but it hadn't really hit me until that moment. The room had been dark. I...

The Felicity Chronicles — Chapter 5: Hard Science

"Sex training begins, with science and history lessons."

Monday, June 10, 1974.“Where am I?” My exact words. Just like in the movies.I was in a bed; that much I knew. But not my own bed. And between two bodies. Female on my right, male on my left.Think! Who...

Galloping Free

"...the secret pleasures of ponygirl taming"

In shadows cast by dim-lit room's embrace,My Mistress's gaze ignites a whispered trace,"Have you heard tales of fields where desires roam?"She whispers soft, igniting curiosity's flame.Her eyes a dance, a beguiling riddle spun,Arousing whispers of the play yet to be...