You Need A Spanking – Lina – Pt 12

"Did the line work this time?"

Part 1 - The SetupIn the months following Rosa’s reentry into my life, I thought often about her tactic of innocently introducing spanking into a conversation. On the surface, it seemed easy enough, but in practice, it seemed much harder.Opportunities...

You Need A Spanking – Rosa – Pt 1 & 2

"A story of Mark's discovery of real spanking. These first two parts are stage setting for the balance of the story"

Part 1- I’m An IdiotHave you ever done something so stupid that several years later you still get a sick feeling in your gut whenever you recall it? I’m not talking about something criminal or violent, but an interaction with...

An Adventure without Amy

"Amy leaves Phillip and I in bed...nude"

“Andy, I have to get to a seminar this morning. Have fun! Call me this afternoon.” Amy had woken me up on a Saturday morning. It was early, maybe 7 a.m., and we were at Phillips's apartment. In fact, we...

Obedient Vivian

"How I taught my wife how to enjoy sex before we got married"

Obedient Vivian (MF, reluc) By: Darkdm My wife Vivian was originally from Taiwan. I met her through a friend when she came over to the US for a short term project. She was only 22 years old at the time....