Alone, empty. Apart, void. Separately, fragmented. Individually, nothing. Not thinking, not feeling, not caring, just...existing. Existing, yes, but in the basest sense — not truly being. Together, we are no longer empty, void, fragmented. We are replete. We are meaningful....
The Leaving
"Is the time we are together worth the pain of being apart?"
A single rose you spied At the tail end of summer I promised you that I would come. I packed my bag and left my grey In trails of pallid cotton candy To take the first train out of Bedlam....
This has to stop I can't do this anymore I've neglected my life For too long The guilt is too much Please be happy for me I'll always think of you I'm deleting this account I've closed my facebook I've...
FROM: Becky — FOR: Matt — With Love
"*Becky's given Matt her body and love. What else can she give before he goes to war?"
FROM: Becky -- FOR: Matt -- With Loveby Rumple ForeskinDEDICATION: To those who serve, and those who love them.I was halfway between Macy's and totally broke, sitting in the mall's tacky excuse for a food court, and trying to gag...
A Very ‘Special’ Friendship
"A new beginning............................"
A Very 'Special' Friendship A new beginning. Jena woke to find the sun streaming through the curtains and she found herself almost singing because she felt so good. Yesterday she met up with Ben after many years separation. They had...