Lydia stepped out of the shower cubicle, leaving the foaming traces of her day to drain and dissipate in the humid silence. She wound a wide, white towel tightly around herself and moved through to her living room, leaving glassy...

She Drew A Deer On Her Arm

"Sometimes the perfect girl is just that."

Stop drawing deer on your arm. My heart thumps, in alarm.Stop being perfect in every way. My heart thumps, please stay. Stop your eyes drawing me in. My heart thumps. how long its been.Stop your curves, I love your hips. My heart...

Long Distance Long

"Oh, how I love thee..."

Laying in their separate bedsin different parts of the country,they each hug their pillows closeimagining it is each other as they send sweet messages of love.Both wanting, longing to go back to yesterdaywhen they were together,sharing soft passionate kissesas they...

Longing for a Touch

"Craving the touch of his hand...."

Too much time has passed since we lasted touched.The feel of you is such a complete and physical rush.I look upon the full moon above my head,and remember your body next to me in our bed. The way my skin...

He was trying to pin her eyes with his, but she wouldn’t let him. She didn’t want him to see her cry, so she got up off the cheap, wooden chair in front of the bed and went into her...

This Sweet Wreck

"together.... but not....."

You think I do not know you have entered the room. Telltale sounds roused your curiosity. My eyes are closed and my wetness is filled with two thrusting fingers. A thumb caresses my swollen bud. I am drowning in the...

A River We Can’t Cross

"Lovers who can't reach each other"

A river is between us--too deep and dark and swift to swimand not be swept away.We do not know the river’s source,but there it is--sometimes calm,sometimes raging from a storm.We see each other on our shores,busy in our lives.We wave...