Mark And Pam – Chapter 13 – The Conversation

"Mark and Pam practice hoping for good news on Monday"

As the garage door closed, I walked around to open Pam’s door. When I did, she jumped out of the car and made a beeline to the house.“ME FIRST!” she shouted as she disappeared into the house.  I’m lucky.  There’s...

Naked Birthday – Chapters 7 – 9

"Chloe continues to push her boundaries as the evening starts to turn in an unexpected direction"

Chapter 7: The Poker GameMadison blew up flotation devices on the bottom of the round circular table she was holding and threw it into the middle of the hot tub. It was conveniently sized so that it nicely fit between...

Tender Release

"A pregnant woman finds unexpected intimacy during a massage."

Arriving fifteen minutes early was a small triumph. At five months pregnant, every small accomplishment felt monumental—getting dressed, putting on socks, and attempting to move with grace when my body felt anything but graceful. Still, I'd made it, and that...

Mark And Pam – Chapter 10 – Surveying The Situation

"Mark is doing a survey and meets an interesting citizen"

For a change, I snuck out of bed before Pam.  I hit the boy’s room to relieve myself then tip-toed to the kitchen.  A push of a button and Friday begins, ahhh, coffee.  I quietly removed two cups from the...

Loretta – Chapter 12 – The Decorator

"Loretta decorates the apartment but can't find her razor for her shower, Michael helps"

Have you ever had the feeling someone was looking at you? Well, that’s how I woke up Thursday morning. My Sweetheart was watching me. When I pried one eye open, she smiled.“Good morning, Baby. How did you sleep?” She knew...