To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 03

"Home again, Alicia feels as if the walls are closing in on her and seeks entertainment in town."

“Welcome home,” Fantil declared as the wagon crested a hill, revealing the sprawling city of Freeland. The bright noonday sun sparkled on the Groen Sea and the river Lionsfare, framing the city in a glimmering halo. Roads converged upon the...

To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 04

"A pleasant evening at the tavern with Thakkor is interrupted by an attack in the night."

Alicia sat cross-legged beneath a cherry tree in the garden, blissfully savoring a few of the ripe fruits, plucked directly from the tree. As with the day before, her parents were simply too stunned by her sudden shift in behavior...

War For A Rose: 1459: Part Two

"As Conflict For The Throne Intensifies, A Man Must Choose His Lover Over His Honour"

September 1459, Fort, House of Cornish Residence, Training CourtyardBartand had kept himself busy for the last two hours, slashing the life out of a straw target Lady Cornish's men and guards used to train with.With a sword from the armourer,...

War For A Rose: 1459

"Four Years Have Passed, But War Has Come Back To England Over The Throne"

Four years had passed since St. Albans, and the small battle there between the House of York and House Lancaster on 22nd May 1455, where the Yorkists triumphed over the Lancaster army based there and captured King Henry VI in...