MILF – Andy’s Mum Reveals her Thoughts After Seducing her Son’s Friend

"Kelly briefly recounts how she came to seduce Andy, her thoughts, and a potted history"

As the older sister in a loving family, I enjoyed a fairly sheltered upbringing. I would have been described as a bookworm. I was an academic high achiever at school. I had friends but no time for boyfriends. That all...

MILF. Andy’s Mum Seduces Her Son’s Friend

"Andy's mum seduces one of her sons friends, despite his complete lack of confidence or experience"

 Andy’s mum differed from all the other mums we knew growing up. Andy’s mum was always more friendly when we played in his house or garden. She seemed to always have sweets, cake, and fizzy pop on hand. I can’t...

An Introduction With Seduction

"How I lost my virginity to a lady somewhat older than me."

My introduction...I'd look out from my bedroom window over to my aunt's house; she lived directly behind us and had a big garden like her neighbours. I concentrated more on her neighbours, watching the washing being hung up, etc. In...

Ms. Misty And Tommie

"A lonely father has a visit from his son and the boy's dazzling and seductive "lady-friend""

Mr. Charles Carson had not seen his college freshman son for some time.  He knew the youngster was busy with studies and popular with the girls but still?  So, when Thomas called and said he was going to be home...