Diary Of An English Tart – Ch 1

"How Wearing Stockings To Work Helps When The Boss Is Annoyed."

I checked my watch. I was late but what else was new. Work started at nine and I intended to arrive about ten minutes after that. But it wasn’t my fault; the public transportation in this city is terrible. The...

The Heidi Affair

"My new secretary drives me wild"

She had been working in my office for three weeks and she was driving me insane. Oh cruel, cruel fate, how could you do this to me? Why now? Why not that just as I am not getting any sex...

Pantyhose Ecstasy

"It’s been a long day at the office"

My printer had refused to work properly the entire day, and now I found myself at my wit's end literally;  cursing everyone around me for my own misfortune. There was some luck left in my cup to drink, so to...

Ryan’s New Job

"Ryan learns to love his new job..."

Ryan was just starting out on his own, in his early twenties, with his own apartment and living alone. He had a few jobs, enough to pay rent and bills but was barely making it by. He saw an ad...

A Hard Bargain

"Sloane reaches an understanding with her demanding boss."

"Sloane." My boss made my name sound like a reprimand. I looked up from my desk, already dreading his next words. "I need you to work late this evening.""Sir, I can't tonight," I protested."Sure you can." He placed a folder...