
"Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly... -Rose Franken"

A soulmate is not found Within a Hallmark cardNor can you pick one upAt the store when times are hard.You can scour all of TinderAnd you may never swipe rightOne cannot be ordered onlineNope, no soulmate in sight.Let us not kid...

One Wish

"I ask just one wish before I leave this world ..."

Love has eluded meall my lifelike a seriesof broken promisesLonging fora woman's touchupon this fragile bodybruised by evil mindsEyes that swellforming teardropsthat could fill an oceanspread across the worldWords spokenby someleaving invisible marksupon this tortured soulMy heart dimsthe shining light...

My Yearning

"I yearn for something, someone, to help ease this pain within."

A feeling inside causes my fingers to gently quiverA search for a deeper connection with someone, anyoneTo have actual physical contact with anotherMy manly rough skin still awaiting to be caressed, or even touchedA heart inside that beats irregularMissing that...

The Search for Diamonds

"A dedication to the love of my Life Deana. May she continue to shine brightly though the night."

The Search is all too familiar. The path ever so tedious.Treacherous obstacles block the way.Strength is lacking but desire is strong.A heartbeat skips, waves of emotions surge.Rose colored hands bear fruit.The history of the struggle embedded.The goal is forever wanted.Faltered...

Be My Valentine!

"A short poem about my search for someone to be my Valentine!"

I find myself aloneA King, sat on his lonely throneContinuing to sit and prayThat she will arrive one dayA woman whose lips I can kissA memory to forever reminisceA body to hold close to my ownInstead of feeling cold and...


"A search for someone with compassion and understanding to share my first time."

For too long, I've hungered for itThat sense of accomplishmentThe feel of the unknown I still awaitOnly found locked in my own wild imaginationTo not hang my head, or hideNot be timid like a mouseThat sense of purpose we all...

Spring will come and go, Summer and autumn too, Winter will roll around, I'll still be looking out for you, Everything I do, I do in pursuit of you. The sun will rise and fall, The tides will go high...

The Voice Inside

"Trust your inner voice to be your guide."

We all have a dark part of ourselvesThat we desperately try to hideA part that is full of worry and fearEngulfed in envy, lust and prideSociety too often becomes obsessed With only our outwardly existence Forgetting what's inside matters mostOur...

The unseen heart

"the divine search for the one."

She's a creature of the night She's the wind and the rain She's the twilight, she's the dawn She slips unseen in between men's dreams Her steps light as the breeze that ripples through the leaves If you look in...