Sean comes back for more

"Sean visits Susan again"

Garry and Susan had a long lie-in the following day.  They made slow, lingering love all morning until it was time to stir.  Susan had never felt so sexually alive as she did right then.  Garry had always been a...

Sean takes Susan at the bar

"Sean takes Susan in front of his friends"

Later on that evening Sean greeted Garry and Susan as they entered the social club.  He introduced them to committee members and their partners, to other club members, team managers and senior players.  Then he brought them over to the...

Sean’s friends have Susan

"Sean's friends visit Susan at home"

Susan and Garry had a quiet drive home. Susan was knackered and her mind was buzzing from the events of both the afternoon and at the social club. She had too much in her mind to talk to Garry and...