The Mother Of Invention

"In tumultuous times, a doctor devises a cure for the woman he loves."

As Irving strode down the cobblestone street, a haze of smoke surrounded him. Women and men alike covered their faces with handkerchiefs in an attempt to avoid the acrid odor. Though the mask Irving wore often grew hot and uncomfortable,...

In The Interest Of Science

"A scientist grows obsessed with his genetically engineered creation."

Christian waited till almost midnight, long after the lab had quieted down. Aside from security, he was the only one left in this wing of the building. And security didn't venture back into the research area.This was his favorite time....

Acquired Hypersexuality Syndrome

"Geneticists challenge each other to create the human modification that makes everyone hypersexual. More imagination teasing than actual sex scenes."

This story began at the Genetics Lab's impromptu birthday party. There was just about everybody, that is, about two dozen young and promising scientists, drinking, dancing, playing video games, and engaging in drunken chitchat."C-consider sexual behavior dimorphism..." Charles did his...


"A tribute to Stanislaw Lem. Genetic engineers create a new organ for the sole purpose of orgasmic pleasure. Four people take part in the test."

I started taking these notes because Dr. Brown asked the four of us to write everything down."We're making history here," he said. "For the first time, we are not just enabling or improving existing systems, but creating an entirely new...

Praise Him

"Dr. Victoria Lazlo comes under the sway of something not of this world."

Dr. Victoria Lazlo was alone in the elevator as it approached the ground floor. She wore a tailored, gray dress suit with sensible heels and no ornamentation beyond a pair of slim, designer glasses. Her auburn blonde hair was bound...