Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 10

"I continue my detention in Laura's make-believe classroom, but my ordeal is rewarded in a way that I never expected"

I was sitting in what Laura called detention, writing lines, in her make-believe classroom. And I had just let my stool scrape over the wooden floor, making a dreadful sound, not unlike fingernails scratching on a blackboard. Instantly, I knew...

Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 9

"I discover that I have been caught speeding in my car, and Laura decides that an old-fashioned, school-style detention is the appropriate punishment."

Having survived a traumatic caning, largely delivered by my sister with attempted guidance from Laura, events settled down for a while. The frostiness that had marked the time before my punishment was lifted, and Laura was on friendly, loving terms...

Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 5

"I remembered a punishment I received from my sister, and then Laura had a "suggestion", which I fell for, to my cost."

I was instructed to report back to Laura's flat the next morning, which was Sunday. After another restless night, I showered and then got dressed, putting on a pair of knickers. Despite my nervousness, my penis started to become excited...

Losing Control – Part 10

"I experience Alice's scent in concentrated form, then fall foul of Helen before being coerced into running 5k, dressed as a girl"

After pleasuring Alice with my mouth on Monday, I didn’t spend any time alone with her for three days, but the memory of that experience remained vivid, and just recalling it led to my penis swelling inside its tiny cage.It...

Lucy Hogarth Meets Hilary Matthews Again

"Lucy is feeling the need for another severe caning and she gets a call from Hilary"

Two months had passed since Hilary Matthews had given Lucy Hogarth the severe caning that had enabled Hilary to release most of her long-held dislike for the bent over Mrs Hogarth. Lucy had contacted Hilary and asked her to deliver the...

The School Play Pt. 2

"Jenny needs to be spanked to calm down from the success of the play."

The curtain opened, and with a smile you could see from the back row, Sandy and Danny were singing and dancing the whole night through.  They made a beautiful couple on the stage, and the crowd loved it.  Jenny could not believe...