The Wolfman Sees Her

"In a cabin by the woods..."

She flees his clutches, running to the woods, as he spews foul words through rancid, liquored breath. He appears - the golden-eyed grey wolf. As he licks her wounds, she nuzzles against his fur. Transforming, his lips take over, showing her gentleness with soft kisses. Caring caresses follow.She...

You found me,I didn’t want to be found,Sang me a song without making a sound.You took me,Knowing I didn’t wanna be taken,Promised me I’d never again feel forsaken.You sobered me,All I wanted was to drink,Saved me when I was teetering...

Longing burried young Sexually schizophrenic, untouchedBody bend, body flungSilky thread, tightly clutched Desires drowning in despairSurfacing from time to timeTo be pulled back under without airHands up, they climb A muffled crack of thunderGrasping hands searchingFinding, holding, pulling, will I...