Ginger in the Moonlight

"Make love to me Judson. I want to feel you love me. I want my love to envelope you"

It was just a little after midnight. The night was cool and the breeze felt wonderful as me and Ginger lay naked hand in hand in the sand under the full blue moonlight. The ocean's waves were the only sound...

Beach Freckles

"be with me in the sea.... love me there...."

The sky blue air is clear and cloudless and the day is like no other. You have left me on the beach where we shared touch and breath and the very essence of life. I watch as you leave a...

Tarnished Key

"There is only one Key for each Lock"

Walking on the sandy beach, she stepped on something That with a sharp sting pierced her golden brown skin. Bending over a bit too far, she fell upon hands and knees. Looking around she was relieved that only the seagulls...

My day at the beach with Micki

"My day with Micki was wonderful but the night was even better."

I was eighteen and just graduated high school.I moved away from home and met Micki.Micki had also just moved to the Tidewater area of Virginia.She was a senior in high school, just turned 17, and quickly became the epicenter of...

Just Two Lovers On The Beach

"Just a poem about two lovers on a beach...originally posted under 67Goat..."

The stars above dot the midnight sky,As the full moon castes a watchful eye,As we walk along the deserted sand,Our arms swing gently, hand in hand,I cannot help but stop and stare,As the moonlight shines in your hair,As the stars...