Dry Tears

"probably not my best, just kinda wrote itself..."

I should not,But still I care.I wonder where,I wonder why,Then I think,What went wrong?Now I remember.It was there,But now it's gone.Forgotten and lost,Moving away,Hanging by a thread.Thread can be cut,But this one can't. First love doesn't die,But you can forget...

Traces left behind

"I'm giving poetry a try... so please do comment and forgive me if I'm not up to standard."

I lost my soul, my meaning and my eyes.Forgave the time but not it's ever lasting tracesI gasped for air between a thousand sighs.Believed your lies and all your many facesBut nothing held my world from crumblingThe night you left my...

Screw You

"Needed to get this out."

A few years ago,Ask and I'd tell,I love this girl,My first true love.Then the storm came,As I sat on the shore,Watching the past,The tide pulling away.How could you do this?That was all fake?And then you say sorry,To try to get...

Now I Know

"Inspired by a backstabbing bitch I thought I could trust with my life. Thanks you help me write."

I can rhyme in every way,I can rhyme more everyday.But nothing shows the pain I've trodden,The tears upon the sheets are sodden.How could you do this,I was close to a kiss,I thought I knew you,But with the wind you blew.Far...

The Heartbreak

"For my boyfriend..."

When I saw your face There was nothing to compare To the feelings you inspired. When I was with you I always felt beautiful No matter the time of day. But now I feel the distance And the draft. No...

dark spade

"A poem about heartbreak, and what the heart may feel about someone that ends up stabbing it..."

Do I take a step forward?Or two steps back?Leaving you in the dust,Was that going ahead?I thought it was good,But now I'm unsure,Lost and confused,My heart abused.My brain cannot think,So I rely on ink,To get this all out of my...