The light your presence made pulls away from my heart,lingering inside and swelling for years,the spaces between promises growing like rings loosening from our fingers.This ghost knows me well,so please do not reach for me anymore,the trails I've made are...

I wondered what you were waiting for, lighting a candle and sitting by the same window every night with the curtain slightly drawn open, casting a narrow slant of wavy glows like ghosts shimmering along your face. Our names never exchanged, we've always been strangers, but...

I have to learn how to let go,  unwilling to fade away with you, if this is how we'll scream,  pull the air from my lungs. I'd rather just be left alone  in the enveloping dark to no longer carry...

Listen closely for the sound of my name  passing through your lips,  you are every note,  every thread holding me in place,  unraveling would only turn me into  a shadow and locking doors. If you look close enough you'll eventually...

I want you to swim through my veins like you're learning them for the very first time,absorbing the pulse and the contained heat that makes me.You would find yourself there,see that you're somewhere within every reflection of me that others...

Missing You Always

"Thinking of You Always"

As that date has passed I thought of you, I miss you and all the things we used to do. All the vacations and time spent together,We were supposed to be together forever. We were a unique pair and now we're...

If you and I become sinking stones,  raining through and obliterating all that we made a home,  I think I'd rather just burn in the finality of this flight,  turn everything to cinders and  watch them evaporate one by one....

The night wraps around you with each step,  the air slightly chilled as the blistering summer  slowly yields and fall teases the air with vibrant  streaks of silver moonlight and breezes so quiet,  each are unique whispers of air reminding...

There's a place where we move past infatuation,  where blazes cool and become embers that are still lively but must be acknowledged  and touched to recall the fiery origins of. And all you ever have to do is brush your...

A dark vast expanse changes when your presence touches the air,  even if it's fleeting, the last few notes of a song surrounding the  fog I cannot see beyond, I'm still waiting for your hands to  break through this mist to...