I can fill almost every hollow upon and inside you, it's what I can't touch that will stay with me the most. Like a lover's spark nestling within to never leave the place you built. The sound can become a bullet and blade perfectly edged...
Once again it’s that time of year when lovers long for a partner near. By the end it will be clear why I come to fear this sentimental time of year. Birds have flown south bound. Snow’s falling to the...
No matter how far you've retracted into yourself,I can still see what you are in the dark, all the ways we knew how to stay warm, the stories that can no longer keep you safe. Things between us that remainsilent like a...
I am lost without you...Lost in the darkness,I call out your name,But I can not find you,I shiver in fear.The fear is polarizing,Causing me to freeze,Not knowing what to do,Or where to turn.I sit here crying,Needing to be rescued,Wanting your...
I would never want to keep you from the eyes of everyone else,but you're just out of my reach, a reminder carved into me about the distance between skins. Someone else always sees what I first saw in you, never the infinite layers beneath, never the...
A sweet dream visit
"Your still the one"
In your eyes there's hope In your smile there's light How can this be? Under the circumstances we have Who am I to resist you? I am a nobody, a helpless one Following your lead, waiting for that chance. I...
"Sad feelings"
I was hopeful for a lovely day, But you just can't give me the time. I'm so miserable in so many ways,Loving you is really a crime. A simple 'hello' would be nice,Ask me how I'm doing.Your mood is as cold...
If the moment arrives where our hands unclasp, I would rather see you leave without a word, to never once glance back at the embers covering me as you exit.I would memorize everything,dissect every syllable and pause when your eyes...
I'll hear you calling out to me no matter where I am, the voice that can pass through walls, flicker among the candle's glowing wick before spreading deep below to crack through winter's ice. Marking the places we've imprinted entire...
It's a happy time of the year, I know you're busy at your job. For me there's lots of tears,You act like a complete snob. You shut down and run out of here,Do you even care how I feel?You're like a...