our goodbyeswere spilled gently through eternal pausesshattered syllables and between breaths screaming of weaknessvoices achingly wavered some cruel balance of animmeasurable yearningand the bitter tracesof deep regret thatwe must unravel and so we clungto ideals held full ofunspoken declarations and memories never madesharing silent tears in thedeafening stillness...
Cheating and lies beganWas this all just his planTheir lives the same and blandShe took her man, She took her manSo many years they were togetherSo many problems and lots of pressureShe thought they'd be together foreverHer name is Heather,...
Sadness sweeps,hurt slowly creepseverything begins to crumble.To prevent demise,smiles: clever disguise,a saviour from the stumble.On sorrow's brink,this flood could sink it all, what was revered.Secrets have marredthat reality: now tarred,instead overthrown by fear.The silence scars,through verbal spars,please, disengage all pretences.More...
Winter’s Stillness
"Why weren't you my destiny?"
She's stuck in winter's stillness, stalled at Christmas time. Fog wraps its wings around her and hugs her while she cries.The love she found, she'll never own. The Christmas gift she craves. Destined to be without her. To another, his love, he...
A pressed flower in a box Memories stored away I opened up the lock All I see is that day Everything was great We were two of a kind Meeting you was fate Our love was hard to find Moments...
Where Did You Go?
"No goodbye just gone."
We met online and had a thing One day you just left We never ended our flingI'm really not impressed Emotions you let decideYour decision had no regard for meNo more sadness or tears criedI suppose we're both now free...
I Miss You Crazy
"Do you ever miss me too?"
Do you ever miss me while you're busy with your life? Do you wonder if I miss you?I do andMy Heart Breaks. Do you ever need me in the middle of the night when you can't sleep? I'd hold you, stroke your hair until you closed your...
It Should Have Been You
"I closed my eyes as I felt his touch and imagined that it was you"
It should have been you. I still have an ember for you burning in me. I closed my eyes as I felt his touch and imagined that it was you. I felt the ember spark to life. But his touch...
I Missed You By One Day
"When I returned, you'd been gone for one day"
Through a shroud of regretmisty eyes see you turn away.You could have been mine buta fool let you get away.My heart cries when remembering how much you wanted me.I walked away for faux love, That’s when you got pulled away.If...
If’s, What and Can
"watching you by"
If I stop seeing you would you miss me? If I stop breathing would you care? If I fall would you catch me? If I love you, would it matter? What if I learn to say no What if I...