Anastasia and Mary
"A wolf knows when to hide and when to show his fangs."
"Are you smitten by the waitress?" I teasingly asked Mary.We were having a few drinks after dinner, waiting for an up and coming local band to take the stage. The Night Moves restaurant, located in the East end of Toronto,...
The Outdoor Surprise – a True Story
"She was dirrected to the park where I had set her surprise."
I had driven the 45 minutes to meet her for lunch that Saturday knowing she would be off at 3:00. I left her back at work with the intent of going home to prepare a nice evening for her, a...
"Fantasies can come true."
I had no idea how long I’d been lying on the floor of his basement. There was no clock. I wasn’t wearing a watch. It was dark. Cold. The solid concrete floor was uncomfortable and I shifted as best as...
Penny greeted me with a hug and a kiss on my cheek, at her front door, “So happy that you could make this year’s party, Gil. It's been too long since we've seen each other.” Penny and her partner, Courtney,...
Exercising Restraint
"Spicing up her workout with some power play."
I know you're in love with my curvy arse, especially the way my cheeks rise and fall in sequence with each revolution of the exercise bike pedals. The taut skin casts barely a ripple in the black yoga pants, save...
I Dominus – A Kodak Moment
"A photoshoot gets raunchy."
"Don't hold anything back, Gil. You know I can take it," Sonia winked at me as she lifted her right leg over her head and placed her ankle on my left shoulder. I gripped her ankle with one hand and...
I Dominus – Stendhal Syndrome – Part Two of Two
"Have you ever given in to a dark desire?"
Continued from part one ~ At eight pm. sharp, I buzzed Olivia into my building. The loud buzz, and metallic click of the lock releasing, made her jump with a start. She checked herself in the mirrors on the interior...
I Dominus – Stendhal Syndrome – Part One of Two
"Has a dark desire ever been stirred inside you?"
"I'm so nervous," Olivia confessed to Janet as she reached for the glass of wine that her friend had poured for her. Janet smiled and shook her head as she replied, "No need to be nervous, Olivia. We're only going to discuss...
Sunkiss Slopes
"Young lovers take advantage of a lonely hike"
Maddy sighed, tired from the hike but moved by the gorgeous vista before her. Dwight was right - this mountain, crowded with skiers during the winter, was largely ignored in the hot months, leaving a verdant scattering of grass avenues...