Being Adopted

"You can't choose your family, and you may find you have no choice."

She looked so innocent. Pure. The first time I saw her, it was like that scene from the movie, where Kevin Spacey sees the cheerleader, and she seems to glow. My travels took me through the town where my daughter was...

The Construction Worker and the Slut

"I live out yet another fantasy with the hottest man on the planet"

Friday, November 28, the day after Thanksgiving 2014, was a cloudless sunny day, although it rained the day before and the day after. My hot boyfriend, Vince, spent Thanksgiving morning in bed watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV...

The Double Date That Didn’t End – Ch 4

"A married couple can't stop fantasizing about their sexy friends"

******** SHANE ******** “Say my name,” she cooed, teasingly lowering her fingers to spread apart the slick, wet lips of her cunt. No man could resist an invitation like that. With my painfully erect cock leading the way, I crawled...

Mia – Pt 2

"Life can be hard when desire lives next door"

Mia - Part Two - Not close enough for comfortI took my wife’s advice to heart, and between the weather turning cloudy and cold limiting the use of the garden as well as business picking up keeping me away from...

Mia- Pt 1

"Life can be hard when desire lives next door"

Part One - Too close for comfortShe was the sort of girl who simply did your head in. Mine at least! Part of it, of course was that I had known her almost all her life, she was after all...

The Society

"(J is for Julie) Julie joins a very special club"

Julie sat in The Society Director's antechamber nervously drumming her fingers on a file folder almost an inch thick. She glanced at her watch. 2:59. She wouldn't have much longer to wait. She had heard about The Society from an old...

Finding Charlie

"Surprising a cyber lover by suddenly showing up and merging realities"

After sixteen hours on the bus, I arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma just before noon on a hot July day determined to find Charlie, actually Charlotte, but that’s not what I called her. I flew into Chicago and then took the...